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مـهـرجـان عـنـيـزة الأول لـلـثـقـافـة و الـتـراث، 21 /3 - 2 /4 / 1428 هـ الـمـوافـق 9 - 19 / 4 /2007 م ، تـحـت شـعـار الـثـقـافـة تـواصـل ، الـمـحـاضـرات و الـنـدوات
Mahrajān ‘Unayzah al-awwal lil-thaqāfah wa-al-turāth, 21/3 - 2/4/ 1428 H. al-muwāfiq 9 -19 /4/ 2007 M., taḥta shi‘ār al-Thaqāfah tawāṣul, al-muḥāḍarāt wa-la-nadawāt
Issue Year: 2009
Our Price: $32.00

 Bibliographic details

Published/Created: ‘Unayzah : Markaz Ṣāliḥ ibn Ṣāliḥ al-Ijtimā‘ī, 2009.

Description: 410 pages ; 24 cm.

Language: Arabic.

Binding: Paperback.

ISBN: 9789960978185.

Subject: Congresses and conventions -- Saudi Arabia.

Subject: Arabic essays.

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