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مـن الـعـلـمـانـيـة إلـى الـخـلـقـانـيـة، قـراءة فـي كـفـاءة مـصـطـلـحـات الـفـصـل الـديـنـي واسـتـحـقـاقـاتـهـا فـي الـسـيـاق الإسـلامـي
Min al-‘Almānīyah ilá al-khalqānīyah, qirā’ah fī kafā’at muṣṭalaḥāt al-faṣl al-dīnī wa-istiḥqāqātihā fī al-siyāq al-Islāmī
Issue Year: 2024
Our Price: $13.00

 Bibliographic details

Edition: al-Ṭab‘ah al-thāniyah.

Published/Created: Bayrūt : Dār al-Rawāfid al-Thaqāfīyah - Nāshirūn, 2024.

Description: 299 pages ; 24 cm.

Language: Arabic.

Binding: Paperback.

ISBN: 9786144662076.

Subject: Secularism -- Religious aspects -- Islam.

Subject: Islam and secularism.

Subject: Secularism -- Arab countries.

Subject: Islam and politics -- Arab countries.

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