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الـنـقـد الإجـتـمـاعـي فـي الـنـظـريـة الـنـقـديـة لـمـدرسـة فـرانـكـفـورت، أنـمـوذج هـربـرت مـاركـيـوز
Naqd al-ijtimā‘ī fī al-naẓarīyah al-naqdīyah li-madrasat Frānkfūrt, unmūdhaj Harbirt Mārkyūz
Issue Year: 2018
Our Price: $18.00

 Bibliographic details

Edition: al-Ṭab‘ah al-ūlá.

Published/Created: ‘Ammān : Markaz al-Kitāb al-Akādīmī, 2018.

Description: 210 pages ; 25 cm.

Language: Arabic.

Binding: Hardcover.

ISBN: 9789957353117.

Subject: Frankfurt school of sociology.

Subject: Criticism.

Subject: Philosophy, Modern.

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