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تـنـقـيـح الـمـقـاصـد الأصـولـيـة فـي شـرح مـلـخـص الـفـوائـد الـحـائـريـة لـلأسـتـاذ الأكـبـر الـمـجـدّد الـشـيـخ الـوحـيـد الـبـهـبـهـانـي
Tanqīḥ al-maqāṣid al-uṣūlīyah fī sharḥ Mulakhkhaṣ al-Fawā’id al-Ḥā’irīyah lil-Ustādh al-Akbar al-Mujaddid al-Shaykh al-Waḥīd al-Bahbahānī (3 volumes)
Issue Year: 2021
Our Price: $90.00

 Bibliographic details

Edition: al-Ṭab‘ah al-ūlá.

Published/Created: Karbalā’ : Markaz Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-Thaqāfī wa-al-Dīnī, 2021.

Description: 3 volumes ; 25 cm.

Language: Arabic.

Binding: Hardcover.

Series: Silsilat Turāth al-‘Ulamā’ al-Makhṭūṭ, 12

Subject: Bahbahani, Muhammad Baqir ibn Muhammad Akmal, 1706 or 1707-1791 or 1792. Fawaid al-Hairiyah.

Subject: Islamic law -- Interpretation and construction.

Subject: Shiah -- Doctrines.

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